.. index:: single: Getting Started .. _getting_started: Getting Started =============== .. rst-class:: simple-with-margins #. :ref:`Download and install ` :tirreno:`Tirreno`. #. Revise the configuration on the :term:`console`’s *Settings* page. #. Enable sending :term:`events` data to the :tirreno:`Tirreno`’s API. - Refer to the :ref:`Integration Outline ` section to get started quickly. - Check out the :ref:`API Integration ` chapter for further information. #. Configure the :term:`rules engine`. - Consult the :ref:`Rules ` section on how to do it. #. Examine :term:`users` :term:`identities` and behavioural patterns. - See the :ref:`Procedures Outline ` section for an initial action plan. - Read the chapters :ref:`Console ` and :ref:`Operator Procedures` to learn more. Accomplishing these steps initializes the :ref:`system’s workflow `. Afterward, the ongoing operations — for the most part — consist of repeatedly acting as indicated in the last two steps. Namely, an :term:`operator`’s routine includes examination of the collected intelligence and tuning up the :term:`rules engine` in line with the exposed scenarios and particular cases. In the subsequent chapters, we explore these topics in greater detail.