

  • PHP: Version 8.0 to 8.3

  • PostgreSQL: Version 12 or greater

  • PHP Extensions: PDO_PGSQL

  • HTTP Web Server: Any, configured to work with PHP

  • Operating System: A Unix-like system is recommended

  • Minimum Hardware Requirements:
    • PostgreSQL: 512 MB RAM (2 GB recommended)

    • Application: 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)

    • Storage: Approximately 1 GB PostgreSQL storage per 1 million events

If you prefer Apache web server, mod_rewrite and mod_headers should be enabled.

Install instruction

  1. Download latest version of Tirreno (ZIP file).

  2. Extract the file to the location where you want it installed on your web server.

  3. Navigate to http://your-domain.example/install/index.php in browser to launch installation process.

  4. After the successful installation, delete the install/ directory and its contents.

  5. Navigate to http://your-domain.example/signup/ in browser to create administratior account.

  6. For cron jobs setup insert the following schedule (every 10 minutes) expression with crontab -e command or by editing /var/spool/cron/your-web-server file:

*/10 * * * * cd /path/to/tirreno && /usr/bin/php /path/to/tirreno/index.php /cron >> /path/to/tirreno/logs/error.log 2>&1